We take the more than thirty five years of professional experience and mash it up with the latest in trending information, opportunities, industry specific information and our propriety research capabilities, creative evaluation and more to build out the kind of recommendations and road map large agencies charge a fortune for, in less time and share that information and our recommendations with you, one on one, for you to decide to use our map  for your journey, look for us to take you to the next port or beyond, or not.

We just don’t work without an assessment based road map because without that there’s no there there™. 

Yes, it’s a required part of our process and how we work but the good news is you also receive a credit in that amount toward any of the three IPO Roadmap™ packages as long as you engage prior to July 1 and use the credit before the end of August. 

In the event you would decide not to move forward with one of our packages you get to keep your customized IPO Basic Roadmap™ to use with your own internal team or outside or resources, your board, or just for you to have insight on a project, brand, idea or even to prove out whether or not to invest, green light or kill a proposed project saving you time, trouble and money. You might also use our roadmap along with other recommended resources to build out your business plan and/or capital funding. 

Either way you have the kind of package and level of experience engaged to deliver it would be valued at anywhere from $10 to $25K based on knowing first hand from years of brand work what those costs ultimately are in giving you the same kind of thinking, creative considerations and PR centric options that we’ve likely been a part of with signature mega brands and stories.

We’re highly specialized and experienced and we know first hand that regardless of you having the best idea out there, how creatively you approach it or have passion for it, without a focused plan, or being in the process of finalizing a focused plan we would be wasting our time, resources and your money.

While these IPO Basic Roadmap™ packages are designed for individuals, start ups and or small businesses they can be utilized by larger businesses, agencies with internal departments or general agencies but more likely those types of organizations and situations are better served thru IPO Plus™ as shown on this page below.

Either way, take the opportunity to schedule a call today to see if there’s a fit in working with us in a short, no pressure 15 minute conversation and let’s see where things go. 

We take the more than thirty five years of professional experience and mash it up with the latest in trending information, opportunities, industry specific information and our propriety research capabilities, creative evaluation and more to build out the kind of recommendations and road map large agencies charge a fortune for, in less time and share that information and our recommendations with you, one on one, for you to decide to use our map  for your journey, look for us to take you to the next port or beyond, or not.

We take the more than thirty five years of professional experience and mash it up with the latest in trending information, opportunities, industry specific information and our propriety research capabilities, creative evaluation and more to build out the kind of recommendations and road map large agencies charge a fortune for, in less time and share that information and our recommendations with you, one on one, for you to decide to use our map  for your journey, look for us to take you to the next port or beyond, or not.

We take the more than thirty five years of professional experience and mash it up with the latest in trending information, opportunities, industry specific information and our propriety research capabilities, creative evaluation and more to build out the kind of recommendations and road map large agencies charge a fortune for, in less time and share that information and our recommendations with you, one on one, for you to decide to use our map  for your journey, look for us to take you to the next port or beyond, or not.

We take the more than thirty five years of professional experience and mash it up with the latest in trending information, opportunities, industry specific information and our propriety research capabilities, creative evaluation and more to build out the kind of recommendations and road map large agencies charge a fortune for, in less time and share that information and our recommendations with you, one on one, for you to decide to use our map  for your journey, look for us to take you to the next port or beyond, or not.

We take the more than thirty five years of professional experience and mash it up with the latest in trending information, opportunities, industry specific information and our propriety research capabilities, creative evaluation and more to build out the kind of recommendations and road map large agencies charge a fortune for, in less time and share that information and our recommendations with you, one on one, for you to decide to use our map  for your journey, look for us to take you to the next port or beyond, or not.

We take the more than thirty five years of professional experience and mash it up with the latest in trending information, opportunities, industry specific information and our propriety research capabilities, creative evaluation and more to build out the kind of recommendations and road map large agencies charge a fortune for, in less time and share that information and our recommendations with you, one on one, for you to decide to use our map  for your journey, look for us to take you to the next port or beyond, or not.

We take the more than thirty five years of professional experience and mash it up with the latest in trending information, opportunities, industry specific information and our propriety research capabilities, creative evaluation and more to build out the kind of recommendations and road map large agencies charge a fortune for, in less time and share that information and our recommendations with you, one on one, for you to decide to use our map  for your journey, look for us to take you to the next port or beyond, or not.

We take the more than thirty five years of professional experience and mash it up with the latest in trending information, opportunities, industry specific information and our propriety research capabilities, creative evaluation and more to build out the kind of recommendations and road map large agencies charge a fortune for, in less time and share that information and our recommendations with you, one on one, for you to decide to use our map  for your journey, look for us to take you to the next port or beyond, or not.

We take the more than thirty five years of professional experience and mash it up with the latest in trending information, opportunities, industry specific information and our propriety research capabilities, creative evaluation and more to build out the kind of recommendations and road map large agencies charge a fortune for, in less time and share that information and our recommendations with you, one on one, for you to decide to use our map  for your journey, look for us to take you to the next port or beyond, or not.